Bei uns kannst du durch ein Berufspraktikum Erfahrungen im Büroalltag sammeln. Willkommen sind sowohl Bewerbungen im Rahmen eines verpflichtenden Praktikums (z.B. von einer höheren Schule), als auch auf freiwilliger Basis (z.B. Ferialjob).
Deine Aufgabengebiete
- Verwaltung und Administration
- Datenpflege
- Schriftverkehr
- Rechnungswesen
- Logistik
Unsere Anforderungen an dich
- Beherrschung der Deutschen Rechtschreibung
- EDV Grundkenntnisse
- MS-Office Grundkenntnisse
- Gute Englisch-Kenntnisse
- Gewissenhafte Arbeitsweise
- Lernbereitschaft
Das Gehalt
Richtet sich nach dem Kollektivvertrag und danach, wie viele Pflichtpraktika du bereits gemacht hast. Bei Schnuppertagen während der Schulzeit wird kein Gehalt ausbezahlt.
Deine Dienstzeiten
Vollzeit: 38,5 h pro Woche
- Mo – Do: 08:00 – 17:00
- Fr: 08:00 – 12:30
- Mo – Do: 12:00 – 12:30
Teilzeit: Ist je nach Vereinbarung natürlich auch möglich.
Deine Bewerbung
Danke für dein Interesse. Der erste Schritt deiner Bewerbung kann nur über die Webseite erfolgen. Aufgrund dessen bitten wir um dein Verständnis, dass wir persönliche Bewerbungen leider nicht akzeptieren können.
Was praktikanten bei Pomberger goisern erlebt haben
My experience in the POMBERGER company
When I came for the first time in the company POMBERGER, I was entitled to a warm from the whole team of the firm.
During the first days, the POMBERGER team took the time to explain to me every job I had to do. And they had also answers to all of my many questions.
The working atmosphere within the company is always good, relax and favourable to work. If you have problems with something, there will always be someone to help you.
We can feel within the company that people are happy to work here.
Another fantastic thing is the breakfast time on friday morning where we could discuss everything with the members of the team.
I’ve accomplished a lot of different tasks there. For example, I was able to prepare parcels for sending to the different customers, but I was also able to reorganize the stock of frames and temples.
Thanks to this internship, I was able to improve my level in English and German, but I also could see how the shipping part of a company works.
Finally, I was able to learn a lot more about the field of optics that I did not know much about.
I thank the whole team for their welcome!
My name is Clémence, I am 18 years old and I come from France. I did a 9-week internship at Pomberger Goisern to validate my first study year in International Business.
Why Austria? I chose to do my internship in Austria because this country interested me a lot, moreover I wanted to see new things and improve my German, so Austria was logical for me.
Why this company and not another one? I was very lucky to go to the SILMO show in Paris with my school, which is a happy coincidence because I love glasses and I wear it since I was 5 years old. When I visited the company’s booth, everyone was kind, welcoming, and passionate. I immediately knew that I wanted to work there.
What did I do during my internship? I had two main jobs. Firstly, I had a marketing job that consisted of filtering old pictures, retaking them, taking pictures of the new frames, uploading them to the internet… Secondly, I worked on statistics to decide what would be the next target market. I had to put the statistics in an excel sheet and then I had to make many different graphs. Then I made reports for the distributors to show them the potential they have, and they can use, based on the statistics. I also worked in the shipping department to help them when they needed help. When I had time, I went there to prepare orders, sort temples or frames, log them in the system, put them in the right stock location…
I really enjoyed my stay in Austria and realized that in the future I would like to work in a company like this, they welcomed me and trusted me as if I was their employee. All my colleagues were happy to work here and to share their knowledge with me, which was absolutely priceless. Thank you!
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